Study Tips and Techniques
Studying and learning are just two of the most important factors in attaining success in school and ultimately in establishing your future career. To be successful, follow some simple habits and rules that will help you stay afloat in the learning and studying process in school.

How to Study
Many students don't succeed in scholastic not because they lack the necessary intelligence, but rather because they haven't mastered the techniques necessary to become successful in school.
These techniques can be in the form of study management, which helps impose routine to the learning studying process, and increasing retention. Some pupils are used to a specific learning style, and when they transfer to a new school, they may find it hard to keep up. This difficulty only means that studying and learning is a continuous process, requiring continual adaptation. Below are a few tips on how to take control of your studies and become successful in school.
1. First things first. Work on the most important and hardest subjects, and then cover those that do not require as much of your time and attention. If you're having a hard time with physics, allot more time to it, and then deal with those that take less time and effort.
2. Eat right. Eating the right foods, rich in protein, may help increase the retention rate during study sessions. Why? Protein is the main component of the human brain; consuming food rich with that nutrient promotes the brain's memory. In turn, memory depends to a large extent on the quality of food consumed.
3. Study with paces. Studying should be done on a strictly followed schedule. If you've allotted one hour to a particular subject, stick to it for that time period. If you finish earlier, great. If not, proceed anyway to your next scheduled study subject; you don't want to burn out.
4. Take a breather. Scheduled break should be taken during your study sessions. Research shows that taking a five-to-10-minute break 30 minutes study is most effective if one is engage in intensive study.
5. Daylight study. Studying during the daytime is more efficient than studying in the evening; it is during the daylight hours that the mind is present and most receptive to incoming information.
6. Ask. There's no harm in asking. If something isn't clear to you, ask your instructor or a classmate, or a fellow student whom you think has a better grasp of the subject matter.
Join a study group and discuss concepts that are unclear, and learn from them. Keep a regular record of that being discussed and immediately raise a question if you think that the explanation given is not sufficient for your understanding.
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