More ways to ensure your health

More ways to ensure your health You know that Bach Flower Essences can help you feel good by rebalancing your body's energies, but what else can you do to promote your own health?

Start by making a concerted effort to avoid toxins.

One good step in the right direction is to drink water from a safe source. Just this week, the Society of Toxicology is meeting to discuss the problem of pharmaceuticals in the drinking water of 41 million Americans. Your body doesn't need all that, so find a company that bottles pure water and spend the extra to be safe.

Next, cut down on chemicals in your household - including chemicals in your cookware.

Third, whenever you can, eat organically grown fruits, vegetables, and meats. If you can't find organic produce, be sure to wash everything thoroughly, or remove the outer skins.

Bach Flower Essences from Feel Bach! are a natural and safe alternative to using prescription drugs. Now add some natural and safe alternatives to eating and drinking toxins.