Is the sameness in your routine exhausting you?
Is the sameness in your routine exhausting you? Are you in a rut that's put your life on auto-pilot?
Do you dread getting up in the morning to "Do it all over again?" Is your life one of excessive routine? Do you lack the energy and incentive to do something new? Are you perpetually exhausted? Then you may be a Hornbeam personality in a negative state.
The negative hornbeam state can occur after a forced period of focused attention, such as when studying long and hard to reach a desired goal. It can happen due to enforced inactivity due to illness or injury.
Unfortunately, it can also come about due to a job which offers little in the way of mental challenge or variety in tasks. Young mothers who stay home with children or those who care for an invalid day after day, doing the same chores can also slip into a negative Hornbeam state.
When it happens, the sufferer experiences a weariness bordering on exhaustion, but it's primarily a mental, not a physical exhaustion. It stems from an imbalance and a failure of energy systems to communicate and work together.
Most who suffer from the negative Hornbeam state can be jarred out of it simply by having a new and unexpected challenge. However, this isn't always easy, because the sufferer fails to listen to his or her Higher Self and is resistant to change. Ordinary impulses to "do something" are brushed aside. Using the Hornbeam flower essence developed by Dr. Bach will reconnect the energy systems and bring back the balance needed to enjoy life and welcome new challenges.
Interestingly, Hornbeam used in a compress is also useful in treating tired, irritated eyes and varicose veins. Used with other essences, it has provided help in drug rehabilitation, and it is often used by gardeners as a tonic to revitalize limp plants.
Visit FeelBach! today and fill out our questionnaire to see if you should use Hornbeam alone or combined with others of Dr. Bach's flower essences.