How Dr. Bach's Remedies can help you succeed in business
How Dr. Bach's Remedies can help you succeed in business
Although the economy seems to be improving slightly, we still have a long way to go. That means its "smart business" to promote your products and services as economically as possible. The Internet is one way – especially if you have the ability to create your own website, post to your blog regularly, and navigate the social media sites . If you have a local business, another way to promote yourself is to give talks to groups who might be interested in the product or service you have to offer. Chambers of Commerce and service groups always want speakers for their meetings – and that could be you.
You might simply present your service and explain why it is superior. Or, you might give a "how-to" talk about something related to your services – giving helpful instruction will automatically position you as an expert.
The second beauty of using public speaking to promote your business is that most of your competitors will not do it. So when you do it, you become "the" expert. It's similar to being the person who "wrote the book" on your subject.
BUT… Yes, I know. Public speaking is scary! You're afraid to stand up in front of a group and speak while you're the focus of attention.
The solution to that fear could lie in a little bottle from Feel Bach! labeled "Feel5ive." This is the flower essence blend that calms the nerves and lets you get through stressful situations without falling apart.
I recommend starting the day before the event, with 4 drops in the afternoon and 4 more before bed. Then in the morning, take 4 more. If you aren't scheduled to speak until evening, do it again shortly after lunch. A few minutes before the talk, take 4 more.
You'll not only sail through the talk, you'll probably enjoy it and be enthused over the idea of doing it again.