Feel5ive for Horses? I think I'll try it!
Feel5ive for Horses? I think I'll try it! In 8 days, our property will become home to a horse who has been living alone with very little human contact for about the last 9 years. That's when "his person" passed away. The people he's with feed him, and the children hand him a carrot now and then, but they don't ride him. They're actually a bit afraid of horses.
He's friendly and seems gentle, but when I led him out of his enclosure he did get nervous.
How will he feel about being plunked down in a new home with a human he's only met once? How will he feel about being asked to carry a saddle again? What will he think if a deer or a moose wanders by?
When I know my dogs are likely to be upset about something I put a few drops of Feel5ive, "Thunderstorms," or "Home Alone" in their water dish.
How many drops of Feel5ive should I add to a 50 gallon watering tank? Perhaps a couple of droppers-full?
I don't know, but I'm going to try it. I believe it will help him adjust to his new home and his new human. And the first few times I work on the two of us getting acquainted, I think I'll take a few drops myself.
Horses DO know when you're nervous, and my being nervous won't help him at all.