A Feel5ive Week...
A Feel5ive Week...
This was a stressful week around here. We discovered a tumor on our dog and there was no choice but to have it removed. That meant facing the danger of him being anesthetized...
Feel5ive helped us humans get through the day while Ralphie was with the vet. We were very relieved when he came through the surgery and woke up again. And then relieved to learn that the tumor was localized - it had no little "feet" attaching it to other tissues in his body.
So we were fine - until it came time to administer the medications. He needed antibiotics to ward off infections, and they prescribed some pretty strong pain medications as well.
Much as I don't like to use those things, we fed them to him at first. After being "fooled" into eating the pills the first time, he was having none of it by the next morning. Manhandling him to get the pills in upset all of us, so we all had a little Feel5ive, then began the search for hiding places in food he would swallow without question. It's been fun.
Meanwhile, the pain pills turned our poor old pup into a zombie. And so, since I looked up the side effects and decided we needed to try to get along without them, we stopped giving them.
After about 24 hours he was in great distress and started biting at his stitches. We couldn't risk him tearing them out, so gave him a half dose of pain medication and a dose of Feel5ive, and sat with him until he fell asleep.
Now I'm sticking with the Feel5ive and one pain pill before bed. And our darling Ralphie is acting like himself again.
I've never tried to count the times that Feel5ive has helped me get through a rough situation - but I know I'm grateful to have that bottle nearby!
Thank you Dr. Bach, for making your wonderful discovery about the power of flower essences!