Hello, I have a son 8 yrs old. During his school life his teachers always complained that he cant concentrate in the classroom.He started speaking at the age of 3,5 yrs. He isn't...
...easily be accepted by other pupils at school but in the park he doesnt hv any problem making friends. He is very sensitive and affectinitive. Sleeping can be a problem as well and heis suffering from enuresis. He fidgets alot and talks alot. Can I treate him with Bach flower products? Many thanks.
Dear Parent, You can certainly treat your son with Bach flowers.
A good essence for attention deficit is Cerato. Chestnut bud is also good for concentration, memory improvement, and learning blocks in general.
While these two essences are good for treating school-related problems, your son needs a more complex formula.
Regarding the rest of the behaviors that you describe—sleep disturbances, social interaction, and disquiet—I am lacking certain information.
For a proper assessment, it is important to know the causes of specific disturbances, as well as the family background. I recommend you filling out the Adult Questionnaire by Clicking here
* Parents may fill it out for their children. Regards, Ruth